
To develop an App I want to use...

I searched for an App with a function I want to use. Some Apps are very similar, but nothing that is perfect for me. S o I made my mind to develop it on my own. Although programming is the first time in about 20 years. I had a little experience of playing with C and Pascal on MS-DOS. Will it be possible to develop the desired App?

Prolog Interpreter

Keywords: Xamarin.Forms, Prolog, C#Prolog, CSProlog, PCL Storage, Command Prompt I didn't update this blog for a while, but I came to want to enjoy Prolog programming and I re-started application development.  First of all, I post an application, Prolog Interpreter, that I almost developed before.  The Prolog Interpreter App has been developed with a Xamarin Library, CSProlog, based on the Command Prompt App that I posted before. The source code is here . Since MainPage.xaml, MainPage.xaml.cs, ComInterpreter.cs, CommandExecute.cs, PCLStorage.cs are the same as the ones in Command Prompt App , I skip their description and introduce Prolog.cs beriefly below. I developed Prolog.cs with reference to some sample programs.  Obviously, one of the NuGet packages, CSProlog, are added to this project. Prolog.cs //using System.Text; //#define SystemIO #define PCLStorage // #define iOS using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; #if SystemIO     using Sy

Optimal Rectangle Packing

Keywords: Xamarin.Forms, Animation, async/await, Task, TranslateTo, RotateTo, Anchor, 2D Rectangle Packing, Optimization, Near-Fit Decreasing Height, Fast-Fit Decreasing Height, Best-Fit Decreasing Height, NFDH, FFDH, BFDH, Bottom-Left method, Simulated Annealing I tried 2D Rectangle Packing problem, and additionally developed animations of blocks moving. I have learned Xamarin animations such as TranslateTo and RotateTo, async and await, as well as 2D Packing algorithms. A screen shot of the iOS Simulator just after launching the App. MainPage.xaml <? xml  version = " 1.0 "  encoding = " utf-8 " ?> < ContentPage   xmlns = " http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms "                 xmlns : x = " http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml "                 xmlns : local = " clr-namespace:OptPacking "                 x : Class = " OptPacking.MainPage " >      < Grid   RowSpacing = " 0 "