Reinforcement Learning: Maze Solving

Keywords: Xamarin.Forms, Device.StartTimer, OrderByDescending, Reinforcement Learning, Maze Solving, Q-Learning, Sarsa, ε-greedy strategy, Boltzmann exploration I developed a Xamarin.Forms app that solves simple mazes with reinforcement learning algorithms. The source code is here . The screen shot just after launching the app. MainPage.xaml Designed the screen layout with 1 column and 5 rows Grid. From the upper row, App title, some Buttons to control the reinforcement learning, main area displaying the maze, and two data displaying areas for debug. MazeData.cs Defined the "Route" class for modeling mazes. The "SetStateGrid" method creates and displays a maze by setting BoxViews in Grid layout. And also, this method sets start cell of the maze, sets Grid cell color, and places some Labels. MainPage.xaml.cs Defined the "State" and "Action" class for states and actions of reinforcement learning. The "Learning" and ...