Tap & Drag on ScrollView (2)

Keywords: Xamarin.Forms, Gesture, Tap, Pan, Pinch, Drag, ScrollView, Invoking Events from Effects I redeveloped "Tap & Drag on ScrollView (1)" with some techniques I have learned, and it also has graph data management function that I tried to develop in "Drawing (1)." So the title of this post can be also called "Drawing (2)." In "Tap & Drag on ScrollView (1)," I developed tap and drag interaction with reference to Xamarin Official Site "Invoking Events from Effects." At that time, I needed to take a somewhat strange way (reduce the ScrollView size to disable scrolling) because tap gesture was stolen by ScrollView. But I found that Xamarin.Forms Gestures make it possible to tap and drag on ScrollView, so I modified "Drawing (1)" and "Tap & Drag on ScrollView (1)," and merged the two Apps. A screenshot displaying a correlation diagram of novel characters same as "Drawing (1)." ...