Deep Dive into the two Quick Start Apps
Picked up some things from the Deep Dive of the first App, Phoneword_iOS(single screen):
- The basic structure of the whole solution: Solution > Project1, Project2, - - -
- In a project, there are some files such as Main.cs, Main.storyboard, AppDelegates.cs ViewController.cs etc.
- The basic architecture: Main - AppDelegate - View
- UI keywords: View/Subview, Content View Hierarchy, ViewController etc.
- Subviews have some properties, and they are defined in Properties Pad and Document Online Pad.
- Segue shown as a gray arrow in storyboards represents screen transition.
- View Life Cycle: ViewDidLoad starts the cycle. ViewWillAppear/Disappear, ViewDidAppear/Disappear are also useful in some Apps.
- Some Events such as TouchUpInside are called in this App, and the events seem to be defined in UIKit class.
- Some control methods for Button: how to change button name, how to enable/disable button.
- How to dismiss keyboard on simulator after text input (ResignFirstResponder()).
- How to set Breakpoints for debug.
- Device Provisioning seems to enable real device test.
- Mac's App, Sketch, seems to be helpful to create icon images.
From also the Deep Dive of Phoneword_iOS (multi screen):
- The basic architecture to pass data to other screen: Model - View - Controller
- NavigationController manages navigation between multiple screens. TabBarController and SplitViewController are also useful in some Apps.
- It's possible to pass data between screens without Segue. The methods enable to handle more complex navigation, conditional navigation for example.