misc (1)

  • System, UIKit, Foundation etc., which are called by “using” directive in the Phoneward sample program of iOS Quick Start, can be found in Xamarin Libraries for iOS, “Xamarin.iOS.” But System.Text, for example, that is also called in the sample program is not in Xamarin.iOS, but in Base Class Library. Now, I don’t study more what BCL is.
  • In the file folder of a solution, solution and project file have been created with name of XXX.sln and XXX.csproj respectively. By double-clicking whichever file, you can open the whole solution. But in the case that one solution has two more projects, double-clicking one of projects can not open the whole solution.
  • In order to display iPhone keyboard in iPhone simulator when you touch inside the text-field of Phoneword sample program, unchek “Connected ???” at Hardware > Keyboard tab of iPhone simulator.



Prolog Interpreter

Get the Color Code from an Image Pixel

PCL Storage (1)