Which development platform should I use?

Since I’m an iPhone user, it’s definitely required to be able to develop iOS Apps, but better to build also Android's ones.

So I need to choose one of Cross Platform Environments.

Although Unity, Monaca etc. seem to be famous as a Cross Platform Environment, I have intuitively chosen Xamarin as my first development platform. Xcode with Swift was also attractive to me, because my PC is Mac. But I probably have to develop Apps on also Windows, and Xcode is a little annoying to run on the OS, so it was turned down this time.

BTW, A little uneasy about Xamarin. No doubt that native Apps can be developed on it, but how about hybrid Apps? I couldn’t find any articles saying that Xamarin can do it. Razor Templates (?) seems to be able to make it possible…? Well, I don’t worry too much now, I will just start it anyway.



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