Inverted Pendulum Simulation

Keywords:  Xamarin.Forms, Inverted Pendulum, PID Control, Runge=Kutta method, Ziegler-Nichols' Ultimate Gain method, BoxView, Slider, Device.StartTimer

I developed an Xamarin.Forms App simulating an inverted pendulum balanced by PID-Control.  I know that this is very common.  You can find a lot of sample programs everywhere.  But it's OK, just training for me!

The screen shot just after launching the App and MainPage.xaml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentPage xmlns="" 

    <Grid RowSpacing="0">
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="*" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>

        <!-- Title -->
        <StackLayout Grid.Row="0" BackgroundColor="Gray" Padding="0,0,0,1" HeightRequest="50">
            <StackLayout BackgroundColor="White" HeightRequest="50">
                <Label Text="Inverted Pendulum Control Demo" Grid.Row="0" VerticalOptions="EndAndExpand"/>
        <!-- Buttons to control the Pendulum -->
        <StackLayout Grid.Row="1" Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Button x:Name="StartButton" 
                    Text="Start" Clicked="DetectButtonClick" 
                    WidthRequest="70" HeightRequest="25"
                    BorderWidth="1" Margin="3,3,0,3"/>
            <Button x:Name="StopButton"
                    Text="Stop" Clicked="DetectButtonClick"
                    WidthRequest="70" HeightRequest="25"
                    BorderWidth="1" Margin="3,3,0,3"/>
            <Label x:Name="StatusLabel"
                   HorizontalOptions="EndAndExpand" VerticalOptions="Center"/>
        <!-- Physical Space of the Pendulum -->
        <StackLayout Grid.Row="2" BackgroundColor="Gray" Padding="0,1,0,1" 
                     VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" >
            <AbsoluteLayout x:Name="PhysicalSpace" SizeChanged="GetSpaceSize"
                            BackgroundColor="White" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">

                <Button Text="Punch!" Clicked="DetectButtonClick"
                        WidthRequest="60" HeightRequest="50"
                        TranslationX="10" TranslationY="70"
                        BorderWidth="1" />
                <Button Text="Punch!" Clicked="DetectButtonClick"
                        WidthRequest="60" HeightRequest="50"
                        TranslationX="310" TranslationY="70"
                        BorderWidth="1" />

        <!-- Fulcrum Slider -->
        <StackLayout Grid.Row="3" BackgroundColor="Gray" Padding="0, 0, 0, 1">
            <StackLayout BackgroundColor="White">
                <Slider x:Name="FulcrumSlider" />

        <!-- Monitor some values for Debug-->
        <StackLayout x:Name="Debug" Grid.Row="4" Orientation="Horizontal">
                <Label x:Name="Label1" Text=" "/>
                <Label x:Name="Label2" Text=" "/>
                <Label x:Name="Label3" Text=" "/>
The source code is also here.

Designed the screen layout with five rows and one column Grid.  From the upper row, App title, some Buttons to control the pendulum, main area displaying the pendulum, a Slider to set target position of the pendulum, and the bottom area is to show some variables for debugging.

using System;
using Xamarin.Forms;

namespace Pendulum
    public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
        double theta0 = 0;  // Initial position of the Pendulum [deg]
        double dt = 0.1;    // Time difference [s]
        double g = 9.8;     // Acceleration of gravity [m/s^2]

        // PID Parameters tuned by Z-N for its balancing
        double Ku1 = 2.2;   // Ultimate Gain
        double Pu1 = 0.4;   // Oscillation Period [s] at Kp=Ku, Kd=Ki=0;
        double Idtheta = 0; // Error in the Integral term

        // PID Parameters tuned by Z-N for its horizontally moving
        double Ku2 = 0.03;  // Ultimate Gain
        //double Pu2 = 10.7; // Oscillation Period [s] at Kp=Ku, Kd=Ki=0;
        double Pu2 = 17.0;  // Enlarged the parameter value experimentally
        double Idx = 0;     // Error in the Integral term

        double SpaceWidth, SpaceHeight;     // PhysicalSpace (Display Area) size [pixel]

        // Identifiers for the Pendulum control mode
        string control = "StandBy", control0 = "";

        int n = 1;
        bool slowdowned = false;    // enough slowed down or not
        double X0 = 0.0;    // Initial Position of the Fulcrum

        class Pendulum
            public double L = 1.0;          // The physical length of the Pendulum [m]
            public double k = 0.5;          // Damping coefficient
            public double theta { get; set; }  // The angle of the Pendulum [rad]
            public double omega { get; set; }  // The angular velocity of the pendulum [rad/s]
        Pendulum CurrentPendulum = new Pendulum();

        class Fulcrum
            public double x { get; set; }   // Fulcrum position [m]
            public double v { get; set; }   // Fulcrum velocity [m/s]
            public double a { get; set; }   // Fulcrum acceleration [m/s^2]
        Fulcrum CurrentFulcrum = new Fulcrum();

        // Draw the Pendulum System using BoxViews and Label
        BoxView SimplePendulum = new BoxView(){
            BackgroundColor = Color.Blue,
            WidthRequest = 2
        BoxView MovingBelt = new BoxView(){
            BackgroundColor = Color.Black,
            HeightRequest = 1
        BoxView XCenter = new BoxView(){
            BackgroundColor = Color.Black,
            WidthRequest = 1,
            HeightRequest = 10
        BoxView SliderScale = new BoxView(){
            BackgroundColor = Color.Red,
            WidthRequest = 1,
            HeightRequest = 10
        Label SliderScaleLabel = new Label();

        public MainPage()


        // Get PhysicalSpace size and Initialize some variables
        void GetSpaceSize(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SpaceWidth = PhysicalSpace.Width;
            SpaceHeight = PhysicalSpace.Height;

            // Display Moving Belt hanging the Pendulum
            MovingBelt.TranslationY = SpaceHeight / 2;
            MovingBelt.WidthRequest = SpaceWidth;

            // Display Slider Scale and Label on the Moving Belt
            SliderScale.TranslationX = SpaceWidth / 2;
            SliderScale.TranslationY = SpaceHeight / 2;
            SliderScaleLabel.Text = "0";
            SliderScaleLabel.TranslationX = SpaceWidth / 2 - 10;
            SliderScaleLabel.TranslationY = SpaceHeight / 2 + 10;

            // Set Max and Min of FulcrumSlider
            FulcrumSlider.Minimum = -SpaceWidth / 2;
            FulcrumSlider.Maximum =  SpaceWidth / 2;

            // Set a small scale at the center of the Moving Belt
            XCenter.TranslationX = SpaceWidth / 2;
            XCenter.TranslationY = SpaceHeight / 2;

            // Display the initial Pendulum
            SimplePendulum.HeightRequest = CurrentPendulum.L * 100;
            CurrentPendulum.theta = theta0 / 180 * Math.PI;
            DisplayPendulum(0, CurrentPendulum.theta);

        // Display the swinging Pendulum
        void DisplayPendulum(double x, double theta)
            // Transform Physical space to Screen Space
            x*=100; x+=SpaceWidth / 2;

            // When going out of the screen, Display the pendulum at the oppsite side
            if (x > 0) x = x % SpaceWidth;
            if (x < 0) x = SpaceWidth + (x % SpaceWidth);

            // Calculate the Pendulum altitude
            double Lpixel = SimplePendulum.HeightRequest;
            SimplePendulum.TranslationX = x + Lpixel / 2 * Math.Sin(theta);
            SimplePendulum.TranslationY = SpaceHeight / 2 - Lpixel / 2 * (1 - Math.Cos(theta));
            SimplePendulum.Rotation = -theta * 180 / Math.PI;

            // Update the Slider Scale position
            SliderScale.TranslationX = SpaceWidth / 2 + FulcrumSlider.Value;
            SliderScaleLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:0.0}", FulcrumSlider.Value/10);
            SliderScaleLabel.TranslationX = SpaceWidth / 2 + FulcrumSlider.Value - 10;

            // Display some values at the bottom of the screen
            Label1.Text = string.Format(
                "Fulcrum: x={0:0.0}, v={1:0.00}, a={2:0.0}",
                CurrentFulcrum.x, CurrentFulcrum.v, CurrentFulcrum.a);
            Label2.Text = string.Format(
                "Pendulum: theta={0:0.00}, omega={1:0.00}",
            Label3.Text = string.Format(
                "Integral Error: Idtheta={0:0.00}, Idx={1:0.00}",
                Idtheta, Idx);

        // Control the Pendulum
        void ControlPendulum()
            double t = 0;
            double dtheta = 0;

            Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), () =>
                bool NextTimerStart = true;
                switch (control)
                    case "StandBy":
                        CurrentFulcrum = SlideFulcrum();
                        X0 = CurrentFulcrum.x;

                    case "Stop":
                        X0 = CurrentFulcrum.x;
                        CurrentFulcrum.v = 0;
                        CurrentFulcrum.a = 0;                        
                        FulcrumSlider.Value = X0 * 10.0;
                        t = 0;
                        control = "StandBy";

                    case "Pause":
                        return NextTimerStart;

                    case "Reset":   // Initialize all values
                        control = "StandBy";

                    case "SwingUp": // Oscille and SwingUp Fulcrum position
                        CurrentFulcrum = OscillateFulcrum(t);
                        t += dt;    // Increment time
                        if (Math.Abs(CurrentPendulum.theta) > 3.0) control = "Balance";

                    case "Balance": // Balance Control Pendulum with PID-Control
                        dtheta = SlowDownPendulum();
                        CurrentFulcrum = BalancePendulum(dtheta);
                        if(slowdowned)  control = "Move";
                        if (Math.Abs(CurrentPendulum.theta) < 1.5) control = "Retry";

                    case "Move":    // Horizontally move the Pendulum
                        dtheta = MovePendulum( FulcrumSlider.Value / 10 );
                        CurrentFulcrum = BalancePendulum(dtheta);
                        if (Math.Abs(CurrentPendulum.theta) < 1.5){ // When fail balancing
                            Idtheta = 0; Idx = 0;
                            CurrentPendulum.k = 30.0;   // Slowdown the Pendulum rotation
                            control = "Retry";

                    case "Retry":
                        CurrentFulcrum = ReturnPendulum();
                        if (Math.Abs( < 2.0){
                            CurrentPendulum.k = 0.5;    // Return the Damping Coefficient
                            Idtheta = 0; Idx = 0;
                            slowdowned = false;
                            n = 1;
                            t = 0;
                            X0 = CurrentFulcrum.x;
                            control = "SwingUp";
                StatusLabel.Text = "Status: " + control;

                // Calculate the Pendulram altitude
                CurrentPendulum = RungeKutta(t, CurrentPendulum.theta,;

                // Display the Pendulum
                DisplayPendulum(CurrentFulcrum.x / 10, CurrentPendulum.theta);

                return NextTimerStart;

        // Manually slide the Fulcrum position
        Fulcrum SlideFulcrum()
            Fulcrum fulcrum = new Fulcrum();

            fulcrum.x = FulcrumSlider.Value / 10;
            fulcrum.v = (fulcrum.x - CurrentFulcrum.x) / dt;
            fulcrum.a = (fulcrum.v - CurrentFulcrum.v) / dt;

            return fulcrum;

        // Reset all parameters and Initialize the Pendulum
        void ResetPendulum()
            CurrentPendulum = new Pendulum();
            CurrentFulcrum = new Fulcrum();

            CurrentPendulum.theta = theta0 / 180 * Math.PI;
            FulcrumSlider.Value = 0;

            Idtheta = 0; Idx = 0;
            slowdowned = false;
            n = 1;

            DisplayPendulum(0, CurrentPendulum.theta);

        // Oscillating Fulcrum for Swing up the Pendulum
        Fulcrum OscillateFulcrum(double t)
            double A = 1.5;     // Amplitude
            double T = Math.Sqrt(g / CurrentPendulum.L) * 0.7;  // Period
            double omega = 2 * Math.PI / T;     // Angular frequency

            Fulcrum fulcrum = new Fulcrum()
                x =  A * Math.Sin(omega * t) + X0,
                v =  A * omega * Math.Cos(omega * t),
                a = -A * Math.Pow(omega, 2) * Math.Sin(omega * t)

            return fulcrum;

        // Lean the Pendulum to Slow Down its horizontally move
        double SlowDownPendulum()
            double theta = CurrentPendulum.theta;
            double dtheta = new double();

            // Calculate dtheta to balance the Inverted Pendulum
            if (theta >= 0) dtheta =  Math.PI - theta;
            if (theta <  0) dtheta = -Math.PI - theta;

            if (Math.Abs(CurrentFulcrum.v) < 0.1){
                slowdowned = true;
                n = 1;

            if (!slowdowned){
                dtheta += 2.0 / 180.0 * Math.PI * CurrentFulcrum.v;

                // Not to largely change dtheta suddenly
                dtheta *= (double)n / 10.0; if (n < 10) n++;

            return dtheta;

        // Balancing the Pendulum by PID-controlling the Fulcrum position
        Fulcrum BalancePendulum(double dtheta)
            Fulcrum fulcrum = new Fulcrum();

            Idtheta += (dtheta * dt);
            double v =;

            // Balancing by PID-Control
            double dx = 0.6 * Ku1 * (dtheta + Idtheta / (0.5 * Pu1) + 0.125 * Pu1 * v);
            //double dx = Kp * dtheta - Kd * + Ki * Idtheta;

            // Actuate the Fulcrum position
            fulcrum.x = CurrentFulcrum.x + dx;
            fulcrum.v = (fulcrum.x - CurrentFulcrum.x) / dt;
            fulcrum.a = (fulcrum.v - CurrentFulcrum.v) / dt;

            return fulcrum;

        // Lean the Pendulum to horizontally move it
        double MovePendulum(double Xd)
            double theta  = CurrentPendulum.theta;
            double dtheta = new double();

            // Calculate dtheta to balance the Inverted Pendulum
            if (theta >= 0) dtheta =  Math.PI - theta;
            if (theta <  0) dtheta = -Math.PI - theta;

            double dX = CurrentFulcrum.x - Xd;
            double v  = CurrentFulcrum.v;

            Idx += (dX * dt);
            dtheta += 0.6 * Ku2 * (dX + Idx / (0.5 * Pu2) + 0.125 * Pu2 * v);

            // Not to largely change dtheta suddenly
            dtheta *= (double)n / 10.0;  if (n < 10) n++;

            return Angle(dtheta);

        // When fail balancing, return the Pendulum to the center for next try
        Fulcrum ReturnPendulum()
            Fulcrum fulcrum = new Fulcrum();

            if (CurrentFulcrum.x >  3.0) fulcrum.v = -10.0;
            if (CurrentFulcrum.x < -3.0) fulcrum.v =  10.0;

            fulcrum.x = CurrentFulcrum.x + fulcrum.v * 0.1;
            fulcrum.a = 0.0;

            return fulcrum;

        // Calculate the Pendulum motion by 4th Order Runge-Kuta method
        Pendulum RungeKutta(double t, double theta, double omega)
            Pendulum pendulum = new Pendulum();
            double k, k1, k2, k3, k4;
            double m, m1, m2, m3, m4;

            k1 = dt * F(t, theta, omega);
            m1 = dt * G(t, theta, omega);

            k2 = dt * F(t + dt / 2, theta + k1 / 2, omega + m1 / 2);
            m2 = dt * G(t + dt / 2, theta + k1 / 2, omega + m1 / 2);

            k3 = dt * F(t + dt / 2, theta + k2 / 2, omega + m2 / 2);
            m3 = dt * G(t + dt / 2, theta + k2 / 2, omega + m2 / 2);

            k4 = dt * F(t + dt, theta + k3, omega + m3);
            m4 = dt * G(t + dt, theta + k3, omega + m3);

            k = (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6;
            m = (m1 + 2 * m2 + 2 * m3 + m4) / 6;

            pendulum.theta = Angle(theta + k);
   = omega + m;

            return pendulum;

        // Angular Velocity Function
        double F(double t, double theta, double omega)
            return omega;

        // Angular Acceleration Function
        double G(double t, double theta, double omega)
            double L = CurrentPendulum.L;   // The physical length of the Pendulum [m]
            double k = CurrentPendulum.k;   // Damping coefficient

            // Simple Pendulum
            //return -g / L * Math.Sin(theta);

            // Simple Pendulum with moving fulcrum
            double a = CurrentFulcrum.a;
            double v = * L;   // Tangential velocity of the Pendulum

            return -g / L * Math.Sin(theta) - a / L * Math.Cos(theta) - k * v;

        // Transform angle to [-PI, PI]
        double Angle(double angle)
            if (angle % (2 * Math.PI) >=  Math.PI) angle -= 2 * Math.PI;
            if (angle % (2 * Math.PI) <= -Math.PI) angle += 2 * Math.PI;

            return angle;

        // Start, Stop, and Reset the Pendulum Swinging
        void DetectButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs args)
            Button button = (Button)sender;

                case "Start":
                    button.Text = "Pause";
                    StopButton.Text = "Stop";
                    //control0 = control;
                    control = "SwingUp";
                    //if (control0 == "Reset") ControlPendulum();                    
                case "Pause":                  
                    button.Text = "ReStart";
                    control0 = control;
                    control = "Pause";
                case "ReStart":
                    button.Text = "Pause";
                    control = control0;

                case "Stop":
                    button.Text = "Reset";
                    StartButton.Text = "Start";
                    control = "Stop";

                case "Reset":
                    button.Text = "Stop";
                    control = "Reset";

                case "Punch!":    // Punch the Pendulum (distarb the balancing)
                    if(button.TranslationX<150)CurrentPendulum.theta -= 0.4;
                    if(button.TranslationX>150)CurrentPendulum.theta += 0.4;
            StatusLabel.Text = "Status: " + control;

    }   // End of public partial class MainPage
}       // End of namespace Pendulum

Below the two classes for the pendulum and the fulcrum, you can see some BoxViews.  In order to draw the pendulum, I didn't use SkiaSharp this time, but simply used some BoxViews with one or two pixel thinness.

In "GetSpaceSize" method, the pendulum display area size is gotten properly and some variables are initialized as usual.  The pendulum and some variables are displayed on the screen by "DisplayPendulum" method.

The "ControlPendulum" method selects the pendulum control mode such as Start, Pause, Move, Stop etc.  The seven methods from the "SlideFulcrum" to the "ReturnPendulum" control the pendulum motion:

  • "SlideFulcrum": Move the fulcrum position by the Slider
  • "ResetPendulum": Reset all the control parameters
  • "OscillateFulcrum":  Oscillate the fulcrum position to swing up the pendulum
  • "SlowDownPendulum": Decrease the horizontally moving speed of the balancing pendulum
  • "BalancePendulum": Control the balance of the inverted pendulum by PID controller
  • "MovePendulum": Move the inverted pendulum to target position by PID controller
  • "ReturnPendulum": Move the pendulum to the center of the screen after failing the balancing
The PID control parameters were tuned by Ziegler-Nichols' Ultimate Gain method.  The parameters for the balancing are not bad.  But the overshoot of the control for horizontally moving to target position is too large.  I couldn't make it better.

The pendulum motion was calculated by Runge=Kutta method based on the equation of motion defined in the "F" and the "G" method.

The "Angle" method transfer the angular coordinates to make the calculation easy.  The "DetectButtonClick" method notifies the "ControlPendulum" method which Button has been pressed.  The "Punch!" Button is to push the inverted pendulum and you can observe the stability of the control.

A movie showing this App running.  You can get the original movie file from here (in "movie" folder).



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PCL Storage (1)

Prolog Interpreter