misc (3)

Keywords: Xamarin.Forms, Borderline of Entry, Borderline of Editor, Align Button.Text to the left

  • Erase Entry borderline:
    As coded in MainPage.xaml.cs (42-60 line) in the previous post, Command Prompt (1), place a Button on the Entry, and set the Button's properties as below:
    • BorderColor: the same color as the background color of your App
    • BorderWidth: a little bit thick so as to hide the Entry's border line
    • BackgroundColor: Transparent
    • InputTransparent: true

    Let me give you another Border Line topic.  If you want to display borderline around Editor, as coded in MainPage.xaml (126-146 line) in the previous post, PCL Storage (2), set the Editor on a layout such as Grid, and set the layout's BackgroundColor the different color from the Editor's one. And also set the layout's padding.  The padding would be the thickness of the border line.

  • Align Button.Text to the left:
    I tried to align Button.Text to the left, but I couldn't find it out. So I made Pseudo-Button with Label and Tap Gesture like MainPage.xaml (51-56 line) in PCL Storage (2). In this Pseudo-Button, you can flexibly manipulate Text.

  • Two-lines Label:
    Two more lines text can be placed in one Label with FormattedText property as described Command Prompt (1) MainPage.xaml 17-26 line.

  • Things I want to learn, but I couldn't have done it yet:
    Web App development, Cloud-connected App development, Database-connected App development, VS App Center, Debug on VS Code, Xamarin Profiler, Xamarin Workbooks



Prolog Interpreter

Get the Color Code from an Image Pixel

PCL Storage (1)